Spring boot- How to start programming

In the bustling world of multi-user applications, ensuring data integrity becomes paramount. When multiple users contend for the same resource, conflicts can arise, leading to lost updates and unintended side effects. Here’s where pessimistic locking steps in, acting as a valiant knight guarding data consistency in Spring Boot applications.

What is Pessimistic Locking?

Imagine two users editing the same product description simultaneously. With optimistic locking, both users might proceed with edits, leading to conflicts upon saving. Pessimistic locking takes a different approach. It “pessimistically” assumes potential conflicts and acquires a lock on the resource (e.g., a database row) as soon as it’s accessed for modification. This lock prevents other users from accessing the resource until it’s released, ensuring only one user can modify it at a time.

Implementing Pessimistic Locking in Spring Boot:

  1. Embrace JPA’s @Lock: Spring Data JPA offers the @Lock annotation, allowing you to specify locking mode (e.g., LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_READ) directly on repository methods. This approach is ideal for locking individual entities.
public Product updateProduct(Integer productId, @RequestBody Product product) {
  // ...
  1. Leverage Transaction Management: Don’t forget to wrap your locking operations within a transaction to ensure atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID). Spring’s @Transactional annotation is your friend here.
public void updateProductInventory(List<Product> products) {
  for (Product product : products) {
    // ... update inventory
  1. Explore Relational Data Locking: For locking query results or handling more granular locking needs, consider Spring Data Relational’s locking capabilities. This might involve custom queries and database-specific syntax.

Beyond the Basics:

  • Fine-Tune Locking Duration: While pessimistic locking guarantees data consistency, it can impact performance due to lock contention. Carefully assess lock duration to balance consistency with responsiveness.
  • Consider Alternatives: Optimistic locking with proper conflict detection and resolution can be suitable for specific scenarios. Explore both to find the best fit.
  • Embrace Spring’s Ecosystem: Leverage Spring’s transaction management and data access abstractions to streamline your locking implementation.

In Conclusion:

Pessimistic locking serves as a powerful tool for maintaining data integrity in concurrent Spring Boot applications. By understanding its concepts, implementation options, and potential trade-offs, you can build applications that offer a smooth and consistent user experience, even in the face of high traffic. Remember, choose the locking strategy that aligns best with your application’s specific needs and performance requirements.

One response to “Conquering Concurrency: Pessimistic Locking in Spring Boot”

  1. Roshan Avatar

    Hey there! Keep posting great work

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