Tag: multithreading in java interview questions

  • How to Shutdown a Java ExecutorService

    ExecutorService interface provides 3 methods shutdown(), shutdownNow() and awaitTermination​() for controlling the termination of tasks submitted to executors. Learn how to use these methods under different requirements. 1. Difference between shutdown(), shutdownNow() and awaitTermination​() Let us start with checking out the syntax of these methods. void shutdown(); List<Runnable> shutdownNow(); boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit); he shutdown() initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously…

  • What is ExecutorService in Java

    Learn to use Java ExecutorService to execute a Runnable or Callable class in an asynchronous way. Also, learn the various best practices to utilize it in the most efficient manner in any Java application. 1. What is Executor Framework? In simple Java applications, we do not face many challenges while working with a few threads. If we…